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canyon exploring with Michele Angileri

Fosso di Ciufficolle

Fosso di Ciufficolle goes down steep to Selva Grande canyon by a nice sequence of cascades in open environment. At snowmelt a spry water flow falls down the cascades and, once in Selva Grande gives, brings back to life the second half of this nice canyon, which would otherwise be dry because of the ENEL water taking.

Name Fosso di Ciufficolle
Area Lazio
Nearest village Amatrice
Elevation loss 330 m
Length 1 km
Highest cascade 47 m
Rock Marl, limestone
Shuttle Possible
Explored by G. Antonini, P. Grillantini, P. Santinelli, T. Bisci, S. Romani, B. Cavallari, S. Schembri; april 25 2000


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I remember ...

Though Ciufficolle cascades have been known for many years, though they end into the most known and frequented canyon of Laga mounts, the times they have been descended can be counted on the fingers of one hand, I guess.
More: descending the canyon I had the feeling it had been never descended after its exploration. Once again I would say this is a paradox, but maybe it's not. Maybe the truth is simpler: basically no one does real canyoning. What most "canyoneers" do is an incostant activity always taking place in the same well-known and heavily bolted canyons, made for staying together, or for learning, teaching or practising rope techniques. For these people canyons are a kind of gym, like a climbing area, while true canyoning is like mountaineering: single movements may be easier, but overall difficulty, effort, danger but also adventure, wilderness and satisfaction are at a much higher level.

Photos and video by Michele Angileri and Andrea Pucci

Photographs in this website show ultralight ropes (6 mm ropes made of high tenacity fibers). Read multimedia book Ultralight ropes canyoning technique to learn how to use them.

Copyright © 2002- Michele Angileri. All rights reserved.