Fosso della Solagna
![]() At the border between Lazio and Abruzzo rise Laga Mounts. They are made of layers of
sandstone 1000 meters thick, placed on marl layers. All layers immerse at east, so the western part of Laga (in Lazio)
is much steeper and rocky than the rest. All mountaintops rise above 2000 meters (the highest is about 2500 meters).
Winter climate is very cold and snowy in Laga mounts.
Laga mounts are rich in water, because it rains enough, but also because sandstone doesn't allow water to go
undergroud. There are a lot of streams, and a lot magnificent waterfalls. In winter they are suitable for ice-climbing
(in fact this is the southest place in Italy where doing ice-climbing). In summer the hardest streams are an ideal
canyoning terrain with unusual features, long accessess, low water temperature (due to the height above sea level) and
the presence of snow fields and tunnels till the beginning of summer.
The landscape in Laga mounts is really great!
One of the best canyoning trails in Laga mounts. A complete experience of what the word "canyoning" means in this special place.
  I remember ...The goal of canyon exploring is not limited to topography. There's more to learn, to reveal about a canyon than the sequence of pools and rappels and narrows and so. Even the word canyon for us canyoneers has not the meaning people usually give it. Two words tell us what's the focus in canyon exploring (as in mountain exploring): where (the place) and how (the way). We go though canyons for the emotions they give, and emotions change if the way, the actions change. We receive emotions by the caress of falling or flowing water, by the landscape opening in sequence step by step, rappel by rappel, bend by bend. Looking a waterfall from aside is not being inside the waterfall. Sometimes is harder to be aside the waterfall than being inside, but it's a completely different thing, however. Canyoning is a game with free rules that anyone may adapt to himself. The rules I gave to myself many years ago
stated that the places for canyoning had to be hidden and otherwise unaccessible.
Why am I telling this? you noticed that I mention two teams of explorers of Fosso della Solagna. The first
exploration was made by Giuseppe "Pino" Antonini and Paola Santinelli in 2002. They climbed the valley bottom-up, avoiding
water, using no protection in climbing 30 meters rock walls and steep slopes of sandstone and grass, where one mistake
may mean death. They are really good climbers. They returned back by downclimbing the same walls and slopes. First way,
first place.
And from these two different explorations are born two very different pictures of Fosso della Solagna, so
different that you could swear they cannot refer to the same place! Pino tells of a beautiful hard hiking trail:
nothing to do with canyoning. I tell (together with Andrea and Matteo) that Fosso della Solagna is among the most
beautiful canyoning descents in central Italy.
I guess most canyoneers will choose the usual top-down canyoning descent, the one explored by me, Andrea and Matteo.
Photographs in this website show ultralight ropes (6 mm ropes made of high tenacity fibers). Read multimedia book Ultralight ropes canyoning technique to learn how to use them.
Copyright © 2002- Michele Angileri. All rights reserved. |
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