cookieless, no-ads, no threats canyon exploring with
Michele Angileri

Fosso delle Case Bianche

Fosso della Case Bianche is a tributary of Fosso dell'Elmo. Near the confluence, the stream flows through a gorge featuring little falls, mostly downclimbable, and some deep pools.
Descent then continues through Fosso dell'Elmo.

Name Fosso delle Case Bianche
Area Umbria
Nearest village Orvieto
Elevation loss 210 m
Length 3 km
Highest cascade 5 m
Rock limestone, sandstone
Shuttle No
Explored by Michele Angileri; June 8th 2024


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I remember ...

I had begun exploring the streams of Monte Peglia in the early 90s, but it was only in 2022 that I decided to begin a more systematic exploration of the area. The reason is the one I have explained on many pages of this site: at the beginning of my canyoning adventure I was particularly interested in exploratory results, and therefore I did not go to streams not so steep or that developed in apparently less compact and rocky terrain.
Then, over the years, things gradually changed. I happened to explore interesting gorges even in unpromising places. Furthermore, as I was moving more and more often alone, I was less and less influenced by friends "obsessed" with canyoning performance, with doing something "big" to show on social media. For me, canyoning is a way to enjoy the wildest corners of Nature and to do physical activity, so if at the end of the day I had worked hard in a beautiful environment, for me it was ok even without having found any interesting gorge. Being alone I could afford to decide where to go at the last minute, and once I got there I could change my mind if the stream wasn't in good condition. And if it turned out to be less interesting than I had expected I could even stop the descent and do something else, a reconnaissance tour of tracks and trails, or another stream.

So starting from 2022 I began to travel more systematically through the valleys of Monte Peglia, and several medium-difficulty canyoning routes of great naturalistic value emerged.

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