cookieless, no-ads, no threats canyon exploring with
Michele Angileri

Fosso della Montanara

Well hidden among the Umbrian hills is the gorge of Fosso della Montanara, carved between sub-horizontal, landsliding layers of marl.

Name Fosso della Montanara
Area Umbria
Nearest village Prodo
Elevation loss 100 m
Length 950 m
Highest cascade 6 m
Rock Marl
Shuttle No
Explored by Michele Angileri; December 15th 2023


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I remember ...

At winter solstice it may or may not be cold, weather may be rainy or even decidedly dry, but one thing is certain: the sun remains low throughout the day, so low to leave many valleys perpetually in the shade. Even if it's not cold the colors are cold, leaves fall from the trees and cover everything, the silent atmosphere smells of immobility even if the wind blows... at least until a tree a few meters away breaks with a crash and falls down, confirming to you that everything is alive and changing.
You too are alive, a small sliver of flesh that moves through a solitary nature, at times harsh and fearsome, elsewhere placid and serene.

Copyright © 2002- Michele Angileri. All rights reserved.