cookieless, no-ads, no threats canyon exploring with
Michele Angileri

Acqua Sabo

The stream that flows through the Cottanello Gorge originates from the Prati di Cottanello, a beautiful karst plateau surrounded by woods. A small village, almost abandoned, stands in the Prati, testifying the ancient frequentation of the place by shepherds, farmers and woodcutters.
Today, the Prati are mostly frequented by hikers and day trippers in search of fresh air and nature.

Leaving the Prati, the Acqua Sabo torrent enters a gorge that alternates narrows featuring falls and perennial pools and wide, walkable parts. However, karst causes the water to flow in the stream only when the mountain is well soaked, so passing through the pools might not be pleasant...

Name Acqua Sabo
Area Lazio
Nearest village Cottanello
Elevation loss 240 m
Length 2500 m
Highest cascade 10 m
Rock Limestone
Shuttle Possible
Explored by Michele Angileri; December 4th 2021


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I remember ...

It was my friend Renato Donati who told me about Acqua Sabo creek. He had been on a picnic at the Prati and had noticed that stream and the gorge. "It might be interesting, take a look" he told me. I went there, but the canyon doesn't seem interesting to me, surely less interesting that other canyons I had in mind at that time.

It was only 20 years later that I finally decided to explore the Acqua Sabo canyon.

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