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canyon exploring with Michele Angileri

Fosso del Traio

While travelling the road that connects the Valnerina to the village of Poggiodomo an observer of the landscape cannot help but notice on the opposite side of Tissino valley, between the slopes of rounded mountains covered by forests, the majestic cut of Traio canyon.

Name Fosso del Traio
Area Umbria
Nearest village Cerreto di Spoleto
Elevation loss 320 m
Length 1300 m
Highest cascade 43 m
Rock Limestone, pink scaglia
Shuttle Possible
Explored by First exploration: Paolo Boccaccini, Alessandro Cavalieri, Federico Stentella; 1993
Re-explored by Michele Angileri and Andrea Pucci on september 13 2015


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I remember ...

The things we had read about the Traio told of an uninteresting canyoning trail, with only a few rappels, 30 m the longest. But the majestic cut, seen from afar, made us think of something more ... In any case, the descent would have given us a beautiful day in the outdoors, so Andrea and I decided to make the trip.
Once in the canyon we realized we were right: the news circulating on Traio were far from exact. There was many rappels, and the tallest was 40 meters long. Moreover there was no trace of former descents, and anchoring on trees far from cascades or concatenating 2 falls did not prevent us from placing bolts.
At one point, a path joined the creek from left. From there on, the few remaining dryfalls were bolted. So I began to think that the exploration had been done entering from that path and had affected only the final part of the canyon. A friend of mine knew the explorers and talked to them, but since 20 years had passed since the exploration non of them remembered the details. All of them believed they had entered the creek from the plateau (as it is logical to do).

However things turned out for explorers, here is yet another example of how in a few years the news on canyoning itineraries little or no repeated smudge until it disappeared altogether. It's only by documenting that you can keep the memory.
Otherwise what was expected to be a repetition ends up being a real exploration.

Photographs in this website show ultralight ropes (6 mm ropes made of high tenacity fibers). Read multimedia book Ultralight ropes canyoning technique to learn how to use them.

Copyright © 2002- Michele Angileri. All rights reserved.